Monday, September 23, 2019

Async iterators and generators in JavaScript. Explain with example.

Asynchronous iterators allow to iterate over data that comes asynchronously, on-demand. For instance, when we download something chunk-by-chunk over a network. 

Asynchronous generators make it even more convenient.
Let’s see a simple example first, to grasp the syntax, and then review a real-life use case.

Async iterators

Asynchronous iterators are similar to regular iterators, with a few syntactic differences.
“Regular” iterable object, as described in the chapter Iterables, look like this:

let range = {
  from: 1,
  to: 5,

  // for..of calls this method once in the very beginning
  [Symbol.iterator]() {
    // returns the iterator object:
    // onward, for..of works only with that object,
    // asking it for next values using next()
    return {
      current: this.from,

      // next() is called on each iteration by the for..of loop
      next() { // (2)
        // it should return the value as an object {done:.., value :...}
        if (this.current <= this.last) {
          return { done: false, value: this.current++ };
        } else {
          return { done: true };

for(let value of range) {
  alert(value); // 1 then 2, then 3, then 4, then 5
If necessary, please refer to the chapter about iterables for details about regular iterators.
To make the object iterable asynchronously:
  1. We need to use Symbol.asyncIterator instead of Symbol.iterator.
  2. next() should return a promise.
  3. To iterate over such an object, we should use for await (let item of iterable) loop.
Let’s make an iterable range object, like the one before, but now it will return values asynchronously, one per second:

let range = {
  from: 1,
  to: 5,

  // for await..of calls this method once in the very beginning
  [Symbol.asyncIterator]() { // (1)
    // returns the iterator object:
    // onward, for await..of works only with that object,
    // asking it for next values using next()
    return {
      current: this.from,

      // next() is called on each iteration by the for..of loop
      async next() { // (2)
        // it should return the value as an object {done:.., value :...}
        // (automatically wrapped into a promise by async)

        // can use await inside, do async stuff:
        await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); // (3)

        if (this.current <= this.last) {
          return { done: false, value: this.current++ };
        } else {
          return { done: true };

(async () => {

  for await (let value of range) { // (4)
    alert(value); // 1,2,3,4,5

As we can see, the structure is similar to regular iterators:
  1. To make an object asynchronously iterable, it must have a method Symbol.asyncIterator (1).
  2. This method must return the object with next() method returning a promise (2).
  3. The next() method doesn’t have to be async, it may be a regular method returning a promise, but async allows to use await, so that’s convenient. Here we just delay for a second (3).
  4. To iterate, we use for await(let value of range) (4), namely add “await” after “for”. It calls range[Symbol.asyncIterator]() once, and then its next() for values.
Here’s a small cheatsheet:
IteratorsAsync iterators
Object method to provide iteratorSymbol.iteratorSymbol.asyncIterator
next() return value isany valuePromise
to loop, usefor..offor await..of
The spread operator ... doesn’t work asynchronously
Features that require regular, synchronous iterators, don’t work with asynchronous ones.
For instance, a spread operator won’t work:
alert( [...range] ); // Error, no Symbol.iterator
That’s natural, as it expects to find Symbol.iterator, same as for..of without await. Not Symbol.asyncIterator.

Async generators

As we already know, JavaScript also supports generators, and they are iterable.
Let’s recall a sequence generator from the chapter Generators. It generates a sequence of values from start to end:
function* generateSequence(start, end) {
  for (let i = start; i <= end; i++) {
    yield i;

for(let value of generateSequence(1, 5)) {
  alert(value); // 1, then 2, then 3, then 4, then 5
In regular generators we can’t use await. All values must come synchronously: there’s no place for delay in for..of, it’s a synchronous construct.
But what if we need to use await in the generator body? To perform network requests, for instance.
No problem, just prepend it with async, like this:


     async function* generateSequence(start, end) {

  for (let i = start; i <= end; i++) {

    // yay, can use await!
    await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));

    yield i;


(async () => {

  let generator = generateSequence(1, 5);
  for await (let value of generator) {
    alert(value); // 1, then 2, then 3, then 4, then 5

Now we have the async generator, iterable with for await...of.
It’s indeed very simple. We add the async keyword, and the generator now can use await inside of it, rely on promises and other async functions.
Technically, another the difference of an async generator is that its method is now asynchronous also, it returns promises.
In a regular generator we’d use result = to get values. In an async generator, we should add await, like this:
result = await; // result = {value: ..., done: true/false}

Async iterables

As we already know, to make an object iterable, we should add Symbol.iterator to it.

let range = {
  from: 1,
  to: 5,
  [Symbol.iterator]() {
    return <object with next to make range iterable>
A common practice for Symbol.iterator is to return a generator, rather than a plain object with next as in the example before.
Let’s recall an example from the chapter Generators:
let range = {
  from: 1,
  to: 5,

  *[Symbol.iterator]() { // a shorthand for [Symbol.iterator]: function*()
    for(let value = this.from; value <=; value++) {
      yield value;

for(let value of range) {
  alert(value); // 1, then 2, then 3, then 4, then 5
Here a custom object range is iterable, and the generator *[Symbol.iterator] implements the logic for listing values.
If we’d like to add async actions into the generator, then we should replace Symbol.iterator with async Symbol.asyncIterator:


let range = {
  from: 1,
  to: 5,

  async *[Symbol.asyncIterator]() { // same as [Symbol.asyncIterator]: async function*()
    for(let value = this.from; value <=; value++) {

      // make a pause between values, wait for something
      await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));

      yield value;

(async () => {

  for await (let value of range) {
    alert(value); // 1, then 2, then 3, then 4, then 5

Now values come with a delay of 1 second between them.

Real-life example

So far we’ve seen simple examples, to gain basic understanding. Now let’s review a real-life use case.
There are many online services that deliver paginated data. For instance, when we need a list of users, a request returns a pre-defined count (e.g. 100 users) – “one page”, and provides an URL to the next page.
The pattern is very common, it’s not about users, but just about anything. For instance, GitHub allows to retrieve commits in the same, paginated fashion:
  • We should make a request to URL in the form<repo>/commits.
  • It responds with a JSON of 30 commits, and also provides a link to the next page in the Link header.
  • Then we can use that link for the next request, to get more commits, and so on.
But we’d like to have is a simpler API: an iterable object with commits, so that we could go over them like this:
let repo = 'javascript-tutorial/'; // GitHub repository to get commits from

for await (let commit of fetchCommits(repo)) {
  // process commit
We’d like to make a function fetchCommits(repo) that gets commits for us, making requests whenever needed. And let it care about all pagination stuff, for us it’ll be a simple for await..of.
With async generators that’s pretty easy to implement:
async function* fetchCommits(repo) {
  let url = `${repo}/commits`;

  while (url) {
    const response = await fetch(url, { // (1)
      headers: {'User-Agent': 'Our script'}, // github requires user-agent header

    const body = await response.json(); // (2) response is JSON (array of commits)

    // (3) the URL of the next page is in the headers, extract it
    let nextPage = response.headers.get('Link').match(/<(.*?)>; rel="next"/);
    nextPage = nextPage && nextPage[1];

    url = nextPage;

    for(let commit of body) { // (4) yield commits one by one, until the page ends
      yield commit;
  1. We use the browser fetch method to download from a remote URL. It allows to supply authorization and other headers if needed, here GitHub requires User-Agent.
  2. The fetch result is parsed as JSON, that’s again a fetch-specific method.
  3. We should get the next page URL from the Link header of the response. It has a special format, so we use a regexp for that. The next page URL may look like, it’s generated by GitHub itself.
  4. Then we yield all commits received, and when they finish – the next while(url) iteration will trigger, making one more request.
An example of use (shows commit authors in console):
(async () => {

  let count = 0;

  for await (const commit of fetchCommits('javascript-tutorial/')) {


    if (++count == 100) { // let's stop at 100 commits

That’s just what we wanted. The internal mechanics of paginated requests is invisible from the outside. For us it’s just an async generator that returns commits.

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