Saturday, September 21, 2019

JavaScript Number Object

The JavaScript number object enables you to represent a numeric value. It may be integer or floating-point. JavaScript number object follows IEEE standard to represent the floating-point numbers.

By the help of Number() constructor, you can create number object in JavaScript. 

For example:

  1. var n=new Number(value);  
If value can't be converted to number, it returns NaN(Not a Number) that can be checked by isNaN() method.

You can direct assign a number to a variable also. For example:
  1. var x=102;//integer value  
  2. var y=102.7;//floating point value  
  3. var z=13e4;//exponent value, output: 130000  
  4. var n=new Number(16);//integer value by number object  

102 102.7 130000 16

JavaScript Number Constants

Let's see the list of JavaScript number constants with description.
MIN_VALUEreturns the largest minimum value.
MAX_VALUEreturns the largest maximum value.
POSITIVE_INFINITYreturns positive infinity, overflow value.
NEGATIVE_INFINITYreturns negative infinity, overflow value.
NaNrepresents "Not a Number" value.

JavaScript Number Methods

Let's see the list of JavaScript number methods with their description.
isFinite()It determines whether the given value is a finite number.
isInteger()It determines whether the given value is an integer.
parseFloat()It converts the given string into a floating point number.
parseInt()It converts the given string into an integer number.
toExponential()It returns the string that represents exponential notation of the given number.
toFixed()It returns the string that represents a number with exact digits after a decimal point.
toPrecision()It returns the string representing a number of specified precision.
toString()It returns the given number in the form of string.

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